Will God judge me?
March 17, 2024
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- The Triumphant King Part 2
- Matthew
- Judgement
- Loving God
- Loving Others
- Preparation for meeting Jesus
- Serving God
- Serving Others
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
How to Survive the Apocalypse
February 18, 2024
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- The Triumphant King Part 2
- Matthew
- Abomination
- Accepting Jesus
- Being Led Astray
- Contending for the Faith
- Deception
- Desolation
- Destruction
- Doom
- End
- End Times
- Jerusalem
- Jew
- Judgement
- Persecution
- Prophecy
- Rome
- Salvation
- Testing the Spirits
- The Second Coming
- Tribulation
- Witness
- Witnessing
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Am I under authority? – Matthew 21:23-32
November 5, 2023
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- The Triumphant King
- Matthew
- Acceptence
- Authority
- Commission
- Control
- Discipline
- Engage With Others
- Father
- Following Jesus
- Joy
- Judgement
- Law
- Life
- Love
- Marriage
- Obedience
- Parents
- Power
- Promises
- Respect
- Sacrifice
- Servant
- Workers
- Worship
- Worth
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Will God Judge Me? – Matthew 13:47-52
April 2, 2023
- Dr. Tony Wolfenbarger
- Opposition Rising
- Matthew
- Accept
- Condemnation
- Death
- Disciple-making
- Discipleship
- Dragnet
- Eternity
- Fire
- Follow
- Forgiveness
- Grace
- Heaven
- Hell
- Judgement
- Life
- Net
- Salvation
- Sin
- Throne
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Matthew 13:47-52 The Parable of the Net 47 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. 48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. 49 This… Read More »
Belief, Faith, and Repentance – Matthew 11:20-30
January 15, 2023
- Jason Wallin
- Opposition Rising
- Matthew
- Avoiding Self Reliance
- Belief
- Do not be Discouraged
- Faith
- Grace
- Jesus
- Judgement
- Justice
- Mercy
- Opposition
- Personal Faith
- Repentance
- Struggle
- Stubbornness
- Yoke
- Ballardsville Baptist Church
Matthew 11:20-30 Woe on Unrepentant Towns 20 Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. 21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in… Read More »