Bible Studies
Join us for our Ladies Sunday School Class from 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. on Sundays in Room 139.
God is faithful. His provision is abundant. His promises are true.
Moms play many roles. They have to be experts in just about everything. It's a lot of pressure. Join us Sunday mornings at 9 AM in room 132/134. for a six-week adventure that will cover the basic principles of motherhood. This study, by Karen Stubbs, will inspire you as a mom and encourage you like never before. Contact Morgan Inman for details and to let her know you're interested at or call 502-873-8995
Upcoming Events
Annual Event
Ongoing Ministries
Women on Mission
Want to get radically involved
in the mission of God?
Join us!
Women on Mission has devoted itself to making disciples of Jesus who live on mission. Join us the first Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am in Room 139.
"Sew" It Goes
Want to use your sewing gifts
for missional projects?
Join us!
"Sew" It Goes meets the first Tuesday of every month immediately following the WOM meeting. Come help sew stockings, totes, and much more to distribute through missions.
Social Events
Looking for a fun night out with the girls? Once a month, groups get together for bunco games. If you would like to participate regularly or be placed on the sub list, please email